The Nether Needs Buffs to Various Abilities That Provide Healing

Main examples being:

Devour must be on the same tier as Knockout and grant full health back in any elimination

Void Overshields do need to be buffed for Vexcalibur on Orb Pickup

Healing Rift/Restoration need to heal for more health which would include Well. I want to make it clear that my desire isn't to nerf the healing options that exist. It's to buff what is currently not performing to the same standard so it matches.

Even if these get buffed Expert Nether will still be more than challenging enough. I solod both sections of the Nether on Expert and ran out of revives by the third. At the third section enemies are currently skulls over their head. This did feel great. I felt great when I saw the skulls. It gave me a flashback to D1. I like seeing enemies like this and have to deal with them. But this is only if I then I have options to heal and said options feel strong enough to where the fights felt fair. Which they do currently on expert for the ones that I know of. The problem is they all need to be available as an option on all classes in some form and this current. As it stands the healing that does exist feels great and there should be more options and variety of it.

Crimson, Ratking, Skullfort, Knockout. Exotic Armors and Abilities should all match this effectiveness it's at it currently to priortize effective build crafting. The things I currently know about ability wise are predominantly on Titan and not Hunter or Warlock to the same degree, except for Crimson and Ratking. These options on Titam should be kept as is and the options on Warlock and Hunter should be brought to its level.

I understand health is meant to be a resource because of the roguelike experience... but it's not at all resourceful currently on orbs or pickups which are the only resource options in the game. Especially not on Expert. As they stand now those too can use increases to health gains as well but really the Nether should prioritize and reward players for using weapons and tools that do provide healing. When I did this it felt great to solo and would feel just as good to do it in teams of like ratkings for example.