Woke culture discussion.

I am lately seeing a lot of woke vs liberal. Good vs evil, left vs right. I would like to actually talk about this stuff and share my opinion about all of this as well as listen to other peoples views on that matter. I am not trying to trigger, insult or offend anybody, but I do know that my opinions will be offensive to some. I will also throw veganism in here even though it has nothing to do with woke culture. Now let me show my points of view.

1: I think there are 2 genders. Male and female. And those rare ones that are born with parts of both genders which could be argued as a 3rd one. All these other ‘genders’ and pronouns are nonsense to me.

2: biological men can not give birth or have periods. Biological women can not fertilise an egg with their sperm… since they can’t produce sperm.

3: I am pro LGBT. I am against everything that comes after that.

4: I accept that you are a trans woman but you're still a biological man. If you have undergone surgery and have a vagina instead of a penis, then I'll think of you as a woman. I actually would ignore the ‘trans’ part in that.

5: i am pro gay marriage.

6: I am pro abortion. And yes: abortion is killing a foetus. A foetus is a living being. I am glad to discuss this further in the comments.

7: I love eating meat. I am not a vegan. I love the message that veganism brings. Animals are being treated disgustingly and that has to stop, specially In mass production. However I see nothing wrong with killing an animal to feed me.

8: I think this one should be obvious: Disney. Turning white characters black does not fight racism… a character depicted as a certain culture should have a certain culture and origin. The black panther shouldn't be white and Ariel shouldn't be black. That is not racism, that is just sticking to the actual story.

I'd love to discuss this and explain Myself and my views further as well as listen to your views and points. Again, I am not trying to provoke or offend, I am just trying to share my point of view.