First build help, Swashbuckler Rogue/Shadow Monk

Hello please forgive any ignorance in this post as I am very new to D&D. I am about to play my first campaign with some friends and I've done a lot of research but putting it into a coherent character is what I need some help with.

My character is inspired by Nightcrawler of the X-Men. Our campaign is starting at level 8 and I figure I'd take 6 levels of Shadow monk to get Shadow Step then 2 levels of Rogue with the plan being taking any more levels we get in Swashbuckler Rogue. We are using point buy and I know Dex and Con should be priorities but could use some advice about the best spread and what feats I should consider. I'm also not sure about a race but was thinking maybe Shadar-Kai for the teleportation ability. My goals are to be a evasive, sneaky, and competent in melee. Any advise is welcome, thank you!