Disappointed with the quality of articulated barbie dolls
My friend and I were crazy with Barbie dolls when we were kids but we outgrew them. Now that I'm old enough to afford my own, I wanted to buy my friend a Barbie because it unlocks so many memories between us and it renews our old way of bonding together.
I bought a secondhand made to move/articulated barbie doll and was disappointed she's way lighter than the dolls I played with and is made of plastic. The articulated joints are neat and all because it mimicks BJDs, the hobby I'm currently into, and it's something I always wanted in Barbie dolls, but what happened to the dolls that had more weight to it and less plastic? I think mine had rubber legs.
Now I feel so new to this world of dolls that I thought I knew about after leaving it for ten years or more.