I had a bunch of dreams within a few minutes

I struggle with sleep paralysis and about 10 minutes ago I was trying to fall back asleep after a short nap and I felt it coming on. It was pretty usual at first and I was trying to wake my brain up from it but then I started thinking about my boyfriend and instead of a monster touching me it was him and he kissed me and told me everything was going to be okay. I immediately felt calmed down and woke up.

I closed my eyes again and within 2-3 minutes I probably had 5 different dreams, hard to recall how many but the dreams felt like I was transported to a different place and living my time there. I ended up trying to control it and suddenly I was dreaming exactly what I wanted. I am the type of person who can’t close their eyes and imagine an image so this really took me for a loop. the feelings were so real, I could hear the sounds, but once I figured out what was going on I changed course and created my own dream?????

should I get my brain scanned? am i going crazy????

TL;DR I fell asleep and started to control my reality in my dreams and i’m worried i’m going crazy.