Overstatted, undercosted creatures in Golgari colors

I'm looking for more additions to a power matters / lifegain deck in black and green. The deck likes to use cards like [[Life's Legacy]] and [[Momentous Fall]] to sacrifice high power creatures to draw a ton of cards, and also make casting cards like [[Ghalta]] and [[The Great Henge]] easier. I'm looking for more cards that have massive stats for low CMC, even if there is a downside. Cards like [[Groundbreaker]] would be nice but the sac on end step makes it less useful. [[Doom Whisperer]] is nice also as a 5 mana 6/6 flyer with a useful activated ability. Are there any other obvious additions missing from my list below?

7/7 for 2 - [[Hunted Horror]]

5/5 for 3 - [[Wayward Swordtooth]]

5/4 for 3 - [[Steel Leaf Champion]]

7/6 for 3 - [[Rotting Regisaur]]

7/6 for 4 - [[Waning Wurm]]

7/6 for 4 - [[Daemogoth Woe Eater]]

11/10 for 4 - [[Daemogoth Titan]]