Road ragers

Vent: last night my husband and I were driving to the pharmacy cvs on Lee Trevino literally just talking and this psychotic lady speeds to pull up in front of us and starts breaking trying to make us hit her and we were like surprised so we try to move out of the way so we don’t hit her and she again moves her car in front of our. She then seemed to want to hit us and was driving so erratically. Grey car with Georgia plates. I told my husband to stay back cuz I just knew she was road raging and she waited for us to catch up but we didn’t and well she put her hand out the window signaling “🤌🏻” with her hands.

Well my husband, bless him, held back but I can tell he was bothered so eventually we caught up to her in traffic and this psychotic woman is driving with a CHILD in her back seat.

I’m still so bothered by that interaction we were literally minding our fucking business having a good chat, the only thing I can think of is there was another car similar looking to our sped past us before she came and made a quick turn maybe she got confused.

79936 area, lady if that was you and you are reading this get a fucking grip!!! Can’t be driving like that especially with a child in the car man wtf