Was Eminem vs. MGK one of the greatest rap beefs of all time? 🎤🔥
No doubt, the Eminem vs. MGK feud in 2018 was one of the most intense rap beefs in recent history. It all started with MGK’s comment about Em’s daughter, which escalated into diss tracks and interviews, leading to Rap Devil and Killshot. 🎯💀
Do you think this beef was real, or was it just for clout? 🤔 Did Killshot completely end it, or should Eminem have kept going? And for MGK—did this beef push him to switch to rock music? 🎸
Let me know your thoughts! Did I miss anything? 👀🔥
What do you think? Was MGK’s Rap Devil actually a solid diss, or did Eminem completely destroy him with Killshot? 😈🎶