Anxiety about upcoming engagement ring
So I am not technically engaged yet, my boyfriend is planning on proposing on an upcoming trip, but was worried about sizing since my weight has fluctuated recently due to some health problems & wanted me to try it on. It is exactly what I always wanted (he had me share a picture of my dream ring with a close mutual friend of ours prior to the process starting, but I wasn't present during the actual making/choosing of the ring). It's honestly a dream & I really love it.
I took a few photos while I was trying it on, but now that I'm looking at them again (and again and again and again) - all I can think is 'that things looks ridiculous on you' or 'you look like you're trying too hard,' etc. However, I have generalized anxiety & social anxiety and although it's something I am always working on, I still really struggle to separate which things are rational fears/worries & which are all made up in my head.
I would love some advice on if you think this is too big for my hand or honestly just any input. I'm really just trying to calm myself down/settle my mind so that I hopefully don't ruin this whole experience for myself lol.