I'm in the diagnostic twilight zone :(

Hi everyone, I'm Juno and I have.... something.

I started having a bunch of focal seizures in May, and went to the doctor of course. That doctor led me to upping my anxiety medicine (which didn't help), then I got referred to a neurologist. Then an EEG and an MRI and all that. Everything came back fine. Yay, no brain tumor! But, the neuro was clear that it's impossible to tell whether it's PNES or temporal lobe epilepsy at this point.

My neurologist started me on zonisamide a few months ago to see if it might help and it's cut the amount of seizures in half, as well a significantly reducing my anxiety. When I went for a follow up today, we decided to up the dose and see if that stops them altogether. I asked him if he had thoughts on which diagnosis it might be- with the understanding that of course, without a positive EEG, a definitive answer is not possible. His answer was, of course, that it sounds a bit more like PNES but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I know that the important thing is that the seizures (episodes? Or as they're called in the doctor's notes, transient alterations of awareness?) are effectively being treated but I still really, really wish I knew for sure. How do y'all deal with the uncertainty?