Some random students broke into my university halls flat and made fun of my seizure poster outside my room door while I was sleeping
Never experienced anything like this before.
Essentially some people managed to break into my university hall building on Saturday because the entrance doors didn't lock themselves (sometimes the doors don't shut properly and can be opened without a keycard). They then got through another set of unlocked doors to the lift foyer (elevator for my non euro friends) and then went up the lift into the top floor which is my flat. Oh and the security guys saw them enter and leave.
This was at 4:00 a.m. and they proceeded to scream, shout, sing and knock on everyone's doors and even went into another girl's room while she wasn't in there.
For a while I thought they were just my flatmates and told them to to shut up, then tried to get back to sleep after my flatmate was making them leave. Two of my mates went to security. I was wearing earplugs so didn't hear any words.
The next day I realised that my motion seizure camera in my room may have recorded bits while I slept. I put off checking it for a while as I was having issues with the app, but when I checked it a couple hours ago I realised that it captured what they were saying as they were right outside my door. They read my note about what to do in case I wake up from a seizure and joked about taking it with them and how sad it was. My note says things like "I'm a danger to myself as I wander, am confused and need to be reassured" etc and has my mum's phone number. This is what they said:
M (Marie) - "seizure? call 999. I'm kind of medicated"
G (Gabriel) -"Marie someone might be understanding that with all this banging about"
M - "OH. Guys, can we take this?"
P2 - "Marie you're awful this is important."
G - "You're horrible!!"
? - "Oh my god."
G - "I hope she recovers if she ever has like another seizure."
M - "Oh this is so sad!"
? -"Stop making fun of it and taking a picture of it (Gabriel) we know you are"
M - "-do it your chat."
? - "Gabriel this is gonna look bad after."
G - "how crazy is this?"
Once I made out the first bit of what they were saying I got angry, upset and scared and found my flatmates before calling my mum. I feel so violated. It's been so goddamn hard since 2019 when this shit all began and I've only recently gotten the correct diagnosis and moved away from home etc. You know when you're so angry you can't move? I was just so fucking shocked more than anything else. Why?? It's a serious medical condition. It was 4am and they KNEW the flat was full and we could hear them. They're sick. I don't even know how to feel. I've snipped the recording and put subtitles on it for when I show it to security tomorrow. The idiots said their names and if their faces are on the uni CCTV somewhere they're going down.
Edit: Slight update, my residence reception did nothing. They told me that we should have told reception about the doors beforehand as it's students responsibility. They said that it's apparently too late to do anything now when it happened on the weekend, and it's only Tuesday(??). They also said that I should have gone to reception first even though we had already gone to security on the night of it happening immediately after we kicked them out. Security hadn't even put through a log. She said nobody's going to spend hours pouring through CCTV (to which I said I literally have a timestamp) and they said oh well we'd have to get security to do it though, and they might not (???) She kept making zero sense, so I think they're trying to cover their asses. And finally ended with 'just like the police we can't catch everyone".
So then I went to my university's centre for student Life with some of my flatmates who were there. They were a lot more interested and concerned, and gave me an online form to fill in, reassuring they often get things done within 48hrs. And said I have significantly more evidence than literally any other report they've ever filed.