Estrogen and Seizures
Half Rant / Half Question.
Why aren't there more studies on the effects of hormones and epilepsy?
I'm angry that even though whenever I've been prescribed progesterone contraceptives and my seizures increase I'm told as though it is FACT that progesterone reduces seizures. They won't give me estrogen or HRT because it's a FACT that it will increase my seizures. It's all absolute nonsense.
Most research that is cited was from small studies done in 1950s - 1970s & others are from animal studies!
There are just as many studies that find the opposite is true, that depending on the type of estrogen, the type of seizures, the length of time given etc it can actually have very positive effects.
But this all also ignores that women have more hormones than just estrogen and progesterone! During menstrual cycles its not just these two hormones that are fluctuating.
I'm just very frustrated that this doesn't have more energy going into it.
(The only time I've been seizure free for significant timeframe was when I was pregnant - my seizures get worse every month about a week before my period - I'm now going through perimenopause)