Freshly diagnosed, seeking advice.

Hi everyone! I have a 2.5yo Pit and the day after Christmas he started having seizures.. they’re not grand mal, just chomping/headshaking.. vet chalked it up to epileptic seizures and prescribed us Kepra. He continued having them every hour if not more… so we added gabapentin to help him sleep. He would get super anxious and almost manic after each seizure, pacing the house, running around like he’s lost in his own house… I’ve read up on post-ictal phase, but it’s now been two days since his last seizure and he’s still pacing the house acting unlike himself… how long does this usually last? I just want my baby back - this is so hard for us and I’m sure even harder for him.

Another thing, the vet completely disregarded the fact that his labs show he has an infection of some sort. Refused to send me home with antibiotics for him.. I’ve been reading a lot and inner ear infections, if bad enough, can cause seizures. They didn’t even look him over - just said “yup. Seizures” and sent us on our way… Has anyone experienced this with their dog?

Pic of my baby.

Hi everyone! I have a 2.5yo Pit and the day after Christmas he started having seizures.. they’re not grand mal, just chomping/headshaking.. vet chalked it up to epileptic seizures and prescribed us Kepra. He continued having them every hour if not more… so we added gabapentin to help him sleep. He would get super anxious and almost manic after each seizure, pacing the house, running around like he’s lost in his own house… I’ve read up on post-ictal phase, but it’s now been two days since his last seizure and he’s still pacing the house acting unlike himself… how long does this usually last? I just want my baby back - this is so hard for us and I’m sure even harder for him.

Another thing, the vet completely disregarded the fact that his labs show he has an infection of some sort. Refused to send me home with antibiotics for him.. I’ve been reading a lot and inner ear infections, if bad enough, can cause seizures. They didn’t even look him over - just said “yup. Seizures” and sent us on our way… Has anyone experienced this with their dog?

Pic of my baby.