I don't get why people like clinton anderson

this video sums up why I don't like him or his methods https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F116F64kcNg&pp=ygUlbWlsZXN0b25lIGVxdWVzdHJpYW4gY2xpbnRvbiBhbmRlcnNvbg%3D%3D

I never seen or heard of a reputable trainer that had a horse collapse at a clinic https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_n-7VYTTZns&t=29s&pp=2AEdkAIBygUlbWlsZXN0b25lIGVxdWVzdHJpYW4gY2xpbnRvbiBhbmRlcnNvbg%3D%3D

he also thinks horses can only be fearful or disrespectful (even though horses don't have the brain anatomy to understand complex topics like respect) and stalls his horses 24/7 unless there being ridden or put on the hot walker

yet even after his 2500 dollar pos comment people still support him