Tarkov'd 100 times, statistically, sorta
I'm taking a statistics class, and thought it'd be fun to start tracking my deaths. What I hoped would happen, is that I would see a trend and be able to tell things like what armors work, what don't, where should I avoid, that kinda thing. What ended up happening, is I just tracked my stats and I don't think it means anything because there are too many variables. I didn't track how many raids were attempted, and I was a noodle and didn't catalogue my stats at the end to show this.
So, this is just that, a collection of my experiences from 20240221-20240319. This is 100 deaths.
Moving forward I'd like to start this day 1 of wipe. Record every death, upload to youtube, and attach every data point to a video, and a screenshot of the murderers stat screen. And, of course keep track of attempts vs success'. I, again, don't think this would mean much as there are still a lot of variables, but I think it'd be interesting.
Some interesting bits
-AVG Hours of players I died to: 2096 Hours
-I died the most to SA58's (juice is back bb)
-Worst group size for me was 4 mans, not 5 for some reason. "Best" was duo's.
Enjoy! Lemme know if you guys have any questions or suggestions! I'd love for this side project to be a learning experience.