Should Pornography be banned?
Hey guys, so I've been looking a lot on the internet about the ethics of porn and it seems like there are a lot of people that take the position that porn is bad and should be banned.
I've been researching further into this and realised a lot of the arguments used to justify why porn should be banned are discriminatory. Reason why I think it's discriminatory because if someone wants to take the position porn should be banned because it encourages objectification, is addictive, encourages violence etc, you also have to say that movies and video games should be banned as well. I have not been able to find reliable evidence of these claims either.
When I started looking the topic more I found out that there were a lot of articles saying that porn is actually a good thing because it improves mental health and reduces sexual assault. This makes sense because if someone can release their sexual desires through pornography, they're less likely to rape someone instead. I looked at 10 countries where pornography is banned and their rape statistics are immensely higher than the top 10 countries where pornography is watched the most.
Reading this was confronting to me because if I took the position we should ban porn, I would be responsible for the increase of sexual assault if porn became illegal.
This is a very interesting topic of discussion for me right now and would love to hear your thoughts.