I’m ignoring my exec’s and CoS’s messages. Wondering if I did the right thing.

My exec is on leave, ergo I am. We’ve only worked together for about a year but that was the agreement from the jump, I can only take time off when she takes time off.

We’d settled on the specific date she’d take off for months, and I’d shared I’d be spending that time with my family in another city for the holidays.

Now my boss is a workaholic, so I kind of expected I’d get messages but nothing over the top, maybe share a document or piece of info here and there.

The day my leave starts, 20th, I get a call from a partner we work with that my boss needs me to deliver holiday gift packages to 20 people (in 2 different cities mind you). To say it upset me is an understatement because I asked the partner why they couldn’t handle the dispatch themselves to which they replied “exec said why would she pay for that when my name can do it herself”. This leaves me working the week of Christmas (my first supposed week off), sourcing contact info, calling, hauling these gift baskets around to drop them off at people’s preferred locations + shipping the ones going to other cities. All with my own money that’s going to take weeks to be reimbursed.

Monday 30th, I wake up to messages on the private group I, her & her CoS are on (our only comms channel is WhatsApp attached to our personal numbers. Terrible, I know): “Hello OP, I have the following deadlines today” then proceeds to list a bunch of project reports I’d need to draft, chase her to review, print and hand deliver to multiple offices in our org’s second location. I flat out ignore.

Hours later, CoS calls me, I also ignore. He then leaves similar private messages of everything “exec needs me to do” (he’s not on leave btw). She messages me a 30s voice note too, all of which i ignore.

It’s been 3 days now. I feel justified in not responding because it’s literally my time off and that task is NOT a 5 minute task. I couldn’t have responded because this is someone that doesn’t even recognize sickness as a valid reason to not work, so responding with a reminder that I’m literally on leave would have started a back and forth of her asking me to execute on the tasks and me having to assert myself on why I won’t be doing them which IMO is worse than just ignoring.

I’d have to update her this weekend on the contacts I couldn’t get through to and I’m not sure how to handle the conversation of why I ignored them, I’m second guessing myself on if I really did the right thing.

I’m really upset that I couldn’t spend time with my family because of a task she literally could’ve outsourced. I work 8 - 8pm weekdays and very erratic hours on weekends. All year. All I ask for is 3 weeks for myself and she can’t even give me that.