Progress from Sept 2023- Jan 2025

Hey all, hoping I could get some opinions regarding the progress I'm making and the time span it has taken (so far). I need to ensure that I'm not slacking and staying on track.

Back in Sept 2023 (last pic) I joined the gym for the first time in my life and have fallen in love with it. I started at 205lbs, got to 163lbs in April 2024, now in Jan 2025 I'm at 174lbs. I'm 5"11. Is the rate of progress I'm making round about where it should be? Am I behind to where I should be realistically? Or could I potentially be ahead of where I expected to be?

Also, I know my calf's, and lower back are weak points. I'm trying to pay them more attention now. So any exercises for these specific body parts that you guys have would be greatly appreciated.