Small rant: "I hate men" people are transphobic

This is probably gonna ruffle some feathers but are not the "I hate men" people's exception and you're not gonna get a pass because you have "female experience" prior to transitioning and even if that were the case. Why would you want to be someone's "exception"?

I get it. MEN BAD sometimes but guess what? You are now one of those men and like it or not, you are not exempt from displaying traits of toxic masculinity.

Bottom line, if a person says "I hate men...oh but not you of course", They don't see you as a man. I don't care. They can try and put a pretty bow on it and give some bullshit reason as to why that's not the case but it is what it is.

This was originally posted in the ftm sub but got removed because it was off-topic.