Today's Verse ✝️

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

What an incredible thought. God can be seen in my home when I Love those in my family. The Father of the universe lives in my church & His presence can be recognized when I Love those in my church family. Almighty God's Love is recognizable in my life when I Love those around me & when we choose to be Loving instead of petty, unforgiving, critical & harsh to our brothers & sisters in Christ. God reveals His presence, power & perfection in us!l. God is Love; we reveal His presence when we do Love each other.

My Prayer...

O Father, please make Your presence, power & perfection known through my Love for Your children & our Love for each other. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray. Amen.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

What an incredible thought. God can be seen in my home when I Love those in my family. The Father of the universe lives in my church & His presence can be recognized when I Love those in my church family. Almighty God's Love is recognizable in my life when I Love those around me & when we choose to be Loving instead of petty, unforgiving, critical & harsh to our brothers & sisters in Christ. God reveals His presence, power & perfection in us!l. God is Love; we reveal His presence when we do Love each other.

My Prayer...

O Father, please make Your presence, power & perfection known through my Love for Your children & our Love for each other. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray. Amen.