An alternative explanation for the "three seashells" in Demolition Man

Sometime after Demolition Man was released, Sylvester Stallone revealed that a screenwriter on the film had explained to him how to use the three seashells: Use the first and second like "chopsticks" to pull the feces out of your anus, then use the third to scrape away any remaining waste.

I never thought this was a particularly good explanation. Pooping doesn't work that way. One swipe with a seashell would almost certainly not be enough to clean everything. I vaguely suspect whatever screenwriter told this to Stallone was messing with him.

So I have a different interpretation: The three seashells are actually buttons. The first washes away feces with a jet of water, the second dries your posterior with a blast of air, and the third gives you a dusting of talcum powder or similar for a pleasant smell. We never actually see anyone pick up the seashells, so we don't know that they couldn't just be seashell-shaped buttons.