What Fantasy Audiobooks Get You Making the Weirdest Faces? Please tell me which books get you reacting like a lunatic in public or private!

Some books and audiobooks are so immersive that they make you physically react—jaw dropping, wincing, side-eyeing the narrator like Excuse me, what?! or laughing your face off. Whether it’s flat out hilarious, an unexpected plot twist, or a moment so intense you have to pause and process, these are the ones that get you dropping your laundry all over the floor. Books are welcome too, I can't seem to edit the title to update.

For me, most recently, T Kingfisher's What Moves the Dead (a retelling of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher) has been prime “WTF did I just hear?!” material. The crazy mushroom lady had me raising an eyebrow and snorting at the same time.

Edit: Placing Lucille Ball's face here as an example. There are some parts, like a mushroom sending out a cloud of putrid rotting flesh smell that makes me go eeewwwwww. And then some parts that make me laugh.


I don't often read anything horror (this is a blend of paranormal fantasy, mystery, thriller, and horror) and I went with this one on a dare. I like audiobooks with British accents.

Also, not going to name specific titles because spoilers. But with one of V.E. Schwab's books I had a "I THOUGHT THAT DUDE WAS DEAD" moment.

And yes, the Empyrean series is one for a whole range of facial expressions.

This is a just for fun post. Let it rip!