Suggestions on the farm

I've been thinking about a few things that would make the game more enjoyable, and only *slightly* less grindy.

  • Allow the ironworks to make keys (at a very slow rate, maybe 2-3 per day?) I have a gajillion boxes and no keys. The drop rate in fishing for them is painfully low, and I cannot imagine that I'm the only player with this issue.
  • Add a use 10/100/All option for lemonade? This would work very similar to the OJ/AC combination and wouldn't detract from the usefulness of lemonade (large amounts of clicking to use a bunch).
  • Adding an "auto-storage" feature that will store your overage into the storehouse at reset. i.e. I have a max normal storage of 500 but I make 600 apples/oranges/etc at reset, store those automatically. You could do the same with bacon/steaks when slaughtering cows/pigs

This last one is just me poking holes at things, but I'd also like a "go to town" button on the side navigation panel. But this one is just my preference.

That's all. Thanks for the game, keep it up!