Voluntary pain to disrupt pain? And rambles. Give thoughts

Okay title sounds weird. But what I'm saying is when I have muscle pain that's really bad, I've been attempting to exercise to introduce alternative "good" pain that my body focuses on that disrupts the muscle pain for a bit or prevents it from building up?

It's hard cause I am taking a few month break from school/work and I'm not sure how to continue this when I have more responsibilities...

This also does not work for all of our wide ranges of pain 🙃 this would definitely not help my feet nerve pain, fatigue, migraines, stiffness, etc.

Also depending on the amount of responsibilities I have seems to make the crash after worse. Exercising intensely during my college semester -> multi day fatigue, stiffness, ache, bad. Exercising intensely with less responsibilities? -> can do a few days in a row.

Now this is turning into a vent ramble but I really wish I had the ability for disability pay or something where I could work part time and also have the means to allocate time for my part time job (more like full time) of managing my symptoms. I'm in the US and the system thinks I'm a dead weight dependent who is either entirely able or entirely disabled. Blah I want to move but where to that realistically I could get disability benefits and have a better quality of life?

Opinions, thoughts, and can you relate?