The Japanese to English translations are terrible

I’m bilingual English-Japanese, and I beat the game with Japanese audio and English subs to see how the translation/localization was. The English translations are pretty inaccurate to the JP version in many cases, but fortunately it’s nothing too important to the overall context. I found the original JP audio to be much better in dialogue context and made more sense from a character standpoint while I found the English kinda lame and cheesy. If you only played the game in English and felt like something seemed a bit off or out of character that might be why.

Edit: For those who say it’s a localization and not a translation are misunderstanding…the localization is poor due to poor translation as in complete, long sentences are replaced with off-topic dialogue and might as well be made up. It’s not the same as mistranslating something like “yeah, I went home and got pizza” to “I left that place, and had some dinner” which would be a minor translation preference which happens all the time in any language.