Why is it popular in nearly every country outside the German-speaking world to pay everything with Card?

I‘m from Austria, and I grew up my whole live that Cash is king and the only material money we have. Card will make u lose the mental value for money. F.e if u go out with 200 bucks in cash u see how fast it goes away and see the mistakes u make over the day and where u can safe. Also u don‘t have to deal with „muuuh card declined“. Had my card declined once but still had cash with me so that I could pay it.

It‘s pretty much like this all ober german- speaking world. So like in German switzerland, Austria, Germany and even Namibia. But other countries and societies see us as backwards for not offering to pay with card everywhere. I think it‘s good. Companies also can‘t watch u what u buy. But idk why is it so normal to prioritize cards everywhere else?