How fucked am I? Is this asbestos?

Renovating an old house from the 40s. Last renovations were in the 70s. That is likely when this flooring was put in (Linoleum? Vinyl?). We did a bunch of asbestos tests in different areas: All came back negative, except kitchen backsplash tiles - which we then had professionally removed. Unfortunately this specific flooring was not tested because everybody thought it could be removed without breaking. Well, during removal it broke everywhere. Now there is just a big pile of it on the front porch, and another room is still full of it. I sent in a stat asbestos test today; results should be back Monday. I am not touching it anymore until then. I wore an N95 mask, and I would not be too worried about a single short term exposure, but still there was a lot of breakdown. How fucked am I?