Music Suggestions: Advanced Player Lacking Enough Hours In The Day

TLDR: Advanced player, looking for suggestions on advanced sounding pieces that are somewhat easy to put together with limited time.

I am looking for some recital suggestions. I am an advanced player who frequently plays with numerous groups and gets called in to sight read concerts when other groups need a player to sub in. I studied music in college but pursued another career path which is my full-time job, hence why I don't call myself a professional contrary to what my teachers say and have said. In the past year, I've prepared and performed numerous Ian Clarke pieces and the Poulenc sonata. I am currently working on the B minor JS Bach sonata.

Essentially, I am very limited on time due to my full-time job, two part time jobs, two days of rehearsals, and lessons, along with making time for self-care at the gym. I have a "retention recital" coming up in December where I play music to show middle and high school students that you can manage to keep music in your life even though it may not be your main career path. I need some suggestions on pieces that sound advanced but are rather easy to put together even with limited time. I am not the most well versed in literature, but I tend to enjoy things that are kind of out there and lesser known. I don't think I will have the B minor sonata ready by the time this recital occurs especially with the amount of work I want to put into it since I am not a fan of Baroque style. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!