What to do with this tour t shirt?
So I attended the show in Cardiff and bought this t shirt, loved it but its too big for me, so I'm not sure what to do with it as it looks ridiculous when I wear it like its a nightshirt!
went on eBay to look for it in a smaller size to find two people selling them for nearly 3 times the price and gave up on that idea, so not sure what to do looking for advice.
- eat more cake so it fits me better (I like this option however the rest of my clothes will become too small)
- wear it anyway, oversized t shirts are a thing right? I've no idea im a 40 yr old man who has a if its comfy ill wear it mentality
- frame it as a keepsake for my wall although I've got some posters I didn't get the Cardiff one
- sell it on eBay (hate scalpers so don't want to become one, but £100 is mad)
Edit it to add image
Edit 2- thanks everyone for the sugegstions im going to "Risk it for a biscuit" and wash it on hot!