Adults who were formula fed
I may be posting this in the wrong thread, but are there any adults on here who were formula fed as infants that can tell me about their relationship with their mothers? I know this seems like a strange question, but I’m currently formula feeding my 6mo old. He was given formula from birth; I tried relentlessly to breastfeed but was unable to. I’ve heard that babies who are given formula aren’t as close to their mothers later in life. I would normally brush this off as bs but I was the only one of my three siblings that was breastfed, and I’m the only one who still talks to our mother. I love my mom endlessly, she’s an angel in my eyes, but my siblings’ views of her are drastically different from mine. I’m also the only one who seems to have any kind of connection to the rest of our family. This could all be circumstantial, of course, but I’ve been thinking about this non stop since finally accepting that breastfeeding just wasn’t an option for me.