PSA for those using Baby Brezza
TLDR: make sure you manually check the output weight of formula when using a Baby Brezza, as their recommended settings don’t match the actual weight of scoops.
I’m using a Baby Brezza for nighttime feeds and noticed that my baby was getting indigestion and gas after a few nights of heavy feeding.
We are using Kendamil Organic, and Baby Brezza’s recommended formula setting is 4.
I tested it using their recommended method and found this setting outputs ~5.5g of formula per fluid Oz.
Compare that against Kendamil’s 4.3g per scoop/fl Oz (also weighed, and is accurate).
That means at a 5oz bottle there’s pretty much an extra scoop added.
I played with the settings and Formula Setting 3 gave 5g and Setting 2 gave ~4g per fl Oz.
Quite a worrying result, that they’re so off on their recommended setting and that there’s no setting that exactly matches 4.3g like a scoop would give.
Going to have to reconsider this as a viable option, or add a half scoop manually to make up the difference.
Just wanted to give any other Baby Brezza users a heads up; test the weight that the machine outputs vs what a weight a scoop would give you.