OG is awful. It's solely being driven by nostalgia.
Things to note: I am NOT an OG. I started playing in C2S2. I also only play ZB. This is because I can't build to save my life (Despite me having 1000+ hours on this game). I also don't main Ranked modes, I am a more casual player.
Anyways, OG is the most awful mode I have seen this game add. If you think it's good, your solely being blinded by nostalgia.
First of all, the map's design sucks for 1 big reason. The whole left side is about empty. If you split the map in half the left side has 5 Pois in total (Most of which are spread apart from each other) and then the right side has 8 Pois. So the whole left side is basiclly nothing but open fields with maybe a POI or landmark here and there.
Then the loot sucks. Mainly because you can't find anything other then grey loot. I have played around 15 matches at the time of writing this and I haven't seen a single trap and I have only seen 1 or 2 items that was Epic or higher. Then the healing items suck since you can't find them to save your life. I have only seen a SINGLE medkit, and minis aren't even in the lootpool. And there is no mobility at all, the only 2 mobility items are launch pads and directional bounce pads which are almost impossible to find. It's just way to hard to find anything other then grey loot (And it doesn't help that chests can give grey loot).
This also makes another issue where POIs and Landmarks are the only spot to get good loot (AKA anything other then Grey pistols and Bandages and due to that reason) and due to that you have thousands of TTV Timmys all landing at anything that has more then a single floor spawn. Making it where 80% if the lobby is dead before the first circle has closed.
Speaking of the storm, this thing is a fucking speed demon in the first circle. You basiclly have 10 seconds to get in the zone before it closes due to how fast this thing moves.
Next of all the lack of Duos and Trios is awful. I would get Trios but Duos being missing is a shocker. Also the lack of a Ranked mode is making trying to play awful since you have hundreds of sweats in your game beaming you before you could even get a single weapon. It also doesn't help that Double Pumping is back.(Which is VERY annoying and I can see why Epic removed it before)
Also OG is basiclly unplayable in ZB. There is no cover where your basiclly an open target 90% of the time, Double Pumping is full on impossible to deal with due to the SINGLE counter (which is building) is not available in ZB, certain POIs like Moisty and Loot Lake suck since you can't traverse them easily.
Out of the 15 games I have played. I have only won a single match and in most of the other matches I either get killed off spawn or I get killed upon my first fight. (Also now you are forced to fight since you can't run away due to there being no mobility)
This mode legit feels like it was ONLY made as a quick way to bring in players. If changes are not made to this mode fast I don't see this mode lasting long since the whole nostalgia thing will quickly go away.