Improvements when I quit PPI!!
I recently had a blood test as my hair was falling out in clumps and it showed I was deficient in a lot of vitamins, iron and my liver profile was raised. I had only been taking lanzopraole a few months, and before that I had taken Omeprazole for 2 months. So I’d say around 5 months in total medicated
As I have a heart condition which was now being effected, my GP told me to wean myself off until I see the gastro team.
It’s been a week now off all medication and I feel great … iv not taken an anti acid all week either … Iv eaten what I wanted too….
I feel much better off PPI. I can’t believe how rough I felt compared to now. I do think they helped the healing at the start, but I think they started to do me more harm than good.
I’m not telling people to come off medication at all, but maybe if your worried or your not feeling to good, speak to your doctor and get your bloods checked!!
I’ll be seeing gastro in 2 weeks for more tests anyway :)