General practice in 2025

"Can you sign something to declare my darling son fit for a skydiving polo competition in Bosnia and Herzegovina next week? It's imperative that he goes and they need your signature (along with your acceptance of unlimited liability)? It's unacceptable really as I tried to book this appointment yesterday and was told I'd have to wait until today. Our flight leaves in 45 minutes. We were only 10 minutes late because of another necessity, and now you've made us wait 2 minutes in reception, so I'll be furious if we miss our flight just because you're asking too many questions. What's your GMC number?

Can we have a right-to-choose referral for ADHD and autism for his sister while we're here. She's top of her class but sometimes feels misunderstood by her friends and said she found it hard to concentrate during her General Studies GCSE revision lesson last week. The NHS is such a joke when it comes to mental health, it really is. We tried to self refer to CAMHS crisis team but they said it wasn't urgent. Which by the way this skydiving competition form is. Sign it now please.

And I need some diazepam for the flight. My previous GP was an angel, he always gave me diazepam and some co-amoxiclav in case I came down with a stuffy nose while we're away. Can I have your practice manager's personal mobile number in case I need to complain about you? I miss having a family doctor, you never get to complain about the same person twice these days."