Rockhard needs to fix traffic lights in GTA6.

The one thing that never made sense to me was how they programmed the traffic lights in GTA V.

I did some research of my own (counting the seconds in game) and checked online to confirm it was correct.
So, every red light lasts about 45 seconds (in real time) and every green light lasts 5 seconds (in real time).
And one hour of in game time lasts about 2 minutes of real time.

This is wrong for so many reasons, but the main one is - A RED LIGHT LASTS MORE THAN 20 MINUTES OF IN GAME TIME!

Almost a minute of waiting for a green light only to hit another red down the road a few seconds later is crazy to me.

Don't get me wrong, I really do not care so much about the realism of the game and all that.
I want it to be fun, and sometimes it's fun to drive by the rules.

The ideal red light timer would be around 15-20 real life seconds, and the green light can stay the same.
They should maybe extend the in game day just a little bit in GTA6 as well.

Rockhard is known for how much thought and detail they put into their games, but this is insane in my opinion.

Yes, it's a small thing, and you can call me crazy, but I needed to say something and hope anyone notices.