Yee Ground Hogs been Warned
Bought a house in the country with 7 acres to live the life I want. Have had a yard beaver problem probably for a decade since before I moved in and none of the previous folks did anything about it. They have a cavern/tunnel system that we daisy chained 20 .5lb jars of tannerite down into and caved the hill it was coming out of. Excavated the rest of the hill with a tractor guns ready to shoot them as we carved into the burrow. Nothing.
Today I’m on the toilet and there she is about 250 feet behind the house coming out of a burrow in the ground. Finished what I was doing and cleaned up, watched her the whole time and grabbed my “ranch” (???) rifle and iced this gal from the bathroom. Fell right back into the burrow. Went outside, supplied a safety shot, dropped him out behind the house and now we wait for more.
Now that the insatiable blood lust I have for groundhogs has been validated, I am declaring all out war on the colony. This was my first and certainly won’t be my last.
What are some ways you guys have managed your yard beaver populations?
Also, as you guys ragged on me 8-9 months ago about being a fatty (see post history) I’ve dropped about 50-55ish pounds (mostly from stress and working outside). More work to do brothers.