Ronova and The Four Pillars of Khaneriah


5.3 Archon Quest, Bedtime Story, Fontaine Archon Quests

This theory, while not so much a theory but more of a collection of thoughts. This was made more for fun, rather than 100% belief, BUT, that doesn’t make any of these ideas impossible. It did come out to be MUCH longer than expected, so I added TLDR's at the end of each segment.

I also want to add. I haven't been on r/Genshin_Lore in a long while, probably around the end of Fontaine back when I was adding onto the theories here. So if anything is written badly or is redundant to the conversations already present, I apologize in advance.

So, while it’s been awhile since our last theory, let’s get started


A Multi-Red-Eyed, Hovers in the sky, Shade of Death. Jumping right in, doesn’t she sound…. Familiar to anyone else? Like, a different Red-Eyed being that hovers in the sky and is related to Death.

The Crimson Moon

To add even more evidence we can look at Arlecchino’s curse/flames and the, as always confusing,


Genshin Wiki- Perinheri Book

When Perinheri reached the end at last, the exit had not opened yet. He knocked, only for the grown-ups to coldly ask: "Are you dead?"

Well, how was he to reply if he was dead? But the grown-ups did not like this response. They kept asking the same question, until he at least shouted, "Yes, I'm dead!"

The adults then asked, "Did you see it, then?"

Perhaps it was the fear brought on by the darkness combined with hunger and exhaustion, but Perinheri did indeed see an illusion. The crimson moon, hanging high in the pitch-dark night sky, suddenly turned around, revealing itself to be a titanic, horrified eye.

The adults opened the door and embraced the soot-covered Perinheri: "You have traversed the fire of two worlds within the hearth, and here you are reborn."

In additional, earlier in ***Perinheri*** we see them refer to the current head of the dynasty as just ‘ruler’. This is very stretchy, but Hoyo has been pretty good at keeping certain words tied to specific meanings.


Ronova and the Crimson Moon described in Perinheri, alongside Arlecchino flames relation to death is too coincidental. Leading me, and pretty much everyone into believing they're one in the same.

The Four Pillars

Now, this concept I have been going back and forth on ever since the ***Gavireh Lajavard*** region came out. Quick information dump, but I promise it will relate back to Ronova. Inside the *Khaenriahn* ruins below, you may have stumbled across this letter.

Someone’s Abandoned Letter

Genshin Wiki- Gavireh Lajavard

(This mangled letter looks to be unfinished, and it is unknown who left it here)

...Eminent Marshal...

...Of course, I am keenly aware that the four pillars of our kingdom have achieved the prosperity they have today precisely thanks to us spying upon secrets from beyond the skies, and thus have our mechanisms been able to throw off the shackles imposed by this world's laws...

...But that technology... It cannot be said to be perfect...

...The gods are untrustworthy and the demons, ineffable. If there is one thing that can pry open the corners of this hollow world, then it can only be human will...

...To this end, if you can petition the King to allow some machinery manufactured according to the old standard to be preserved under your ministry's purview, perhaps it may light a spark under the latent will of countless future generations to devote themselves to exploring technology...

Originally, with only this reference to work with I had 3 ideas. 

  1. This isn’t as important as my mind wants it to be
  2. The 4 pillars refer to literal pillars- kinda like the Celestial Nails
  3. The 4 pillars included Khaenri'ah, but also Enkanomiya and possibly Remuria.

In hindsight, none of these really made sense and I ditched the idea…until now. 

The pillars are referred to a second time in the recent Capitano cutscene

***“I grant you the title of ‘Sentinel Knight’. Like the four pillars of strength, You will continue to safeguard the glory of Khaenri'ah.”***

The four pillars of Strength you say… There's only two options that immediately come to mind, I want to talk about the more.. Out there idea first. 

WARNING: This one is more off the wall compared to the second idea. If you’d prefer to read a more likely theory, feel free to skip this one and just go to the next part :3

The 4 Shades are the 4 Pillars = The 4 Moons of Khaenri'ah. 

Wait, wait, close the comments, delete the “That doesn't make any sense”.

I am well aware of the massive holes this idea has. 

If Ronvoa was praised, why would she curse them even after the Sinners/Irmin’s transgressions? 

If Khaenri'ah ruled without Gods, wouldn’t following the 4 shades be..redundant? 

Yes and maybe, but bear with me if you’re willing to have an open mind. 

If Ronvoa, the Shade of Death was in fact the Crimson Moon before being replaced by the “Black Sunaka the Eclipse Dynasty, what’s to say that there wasn’t an “Eclipse Moon” just like the “Crimson Moon”, who happened to be a different Shade. Furthermore, what’s to say that all 4 of the Shades weren’t one of the 4 different moons that may represent not only Khaenri'ah’s dynasty’s but their 4 pillars of strength

Bonus points, maybe each even had a specific Noble family to represent them. The question then becomes, who is who. Sadly, without more Khaenriahn last names, it’s hard to really pair these families with specific Moons/Shades, but I believe we can deduce at LEAST 2.

Ronova=Death=Crimson Moon= Peruere’s House (Arlecchino)

Isatorth=Time=??? Moon= ??? House

Susty?=Space=??? Moon=??? House

And finally, ???=Life….


An Eclipse Moon can represent 

a time of change/transformation/rebirth/self-reflection. A new beginning 

This could represent a new beginning/life for Khaenri'ah. This idea reflects what we know of the Eclipse dynasty as well. While the CMD was focused on Alchemy, the ED focused on new mech technology and strived for more from beyond the skies of Teyvat. While loose, we do also know how the Shade of Life created Egeria, who went on to rule Fontaine who is currently the leading nation in- wouldn’t you guess it- Mech technology, specifically those of the Arke and Pneuma power(at this point possibly Imaginary/Quantum or Light/Dark). What’s to say the Khaenri'ah’s tech wasn’t a purer form of these two elements. Again, loose connection I know, but hey, we ain't got a lot to work with.

Furthermore, it would make sense how the Life Moon would overtake the Death Moon, yet again representing that change/rebirth idea.

We don’t know enough families of Khaenri'ah to really guess who it would be for the Eclipse, but i’d like to think the Alberich’s might be one of the 4, simply for the fact that Anfortas, a possible Alberich based on the lore, was able to claim Regent while Irmin was indisposed, the Alberich's must have some sort of control/high standing, right?


Each Shade represents a Moon that could represent not only the dynasty but a Noble House. Ronova=Crimson=Arlecchino. Theorized Life might equal Eclipse and how I believe the Alberich clan could be one of the 4 Noble families. 

That leads into the MUCH more plausible theory.

The Five Sinners of Khaenri'ah. 

Hroptatyr “The Wise”

Vedrfolnir “The Visionary”

Rhinedottir “Gold” 

Surtalogi “The Foul”

Rerir “Racher of Solnari”

Yes, there are 5, we are going to ignore that for now. The idea of the Sinners being the 4 pillars makes even more sense with the additional title of ‘strength’. As we know from Dainsleif in “Bedtime Story” and 5.3 Archon Quest “The Ode of Resurrection”, the five of them were meant to serve and protect Khaenri'ah, but became allured to the power of the Abyss and tampered with things that shouldn’t have been tampered with. 

The way the lore makes them sound, they may have even been the strongest and most revered people of the nation

With that in mind, we could theorize each Sinner’s ‘strength’ or ‘role’ as a Pillar.

Rhinedottir is easy, Alchemy.

We know how vital and important Khemia was to the Khaenriahn’s. With her known creations and title, it's not surprising this would be her role. We also know that it gained the most attention during the Crimson Moon dynasty- makes you wonder if she’s also of that dynasty or learned a lot from them

Vedrfolnir could be a studier of Irminsul/Fate.

With the title of “Visionary”, we learn from both Skirk and Mona during the Fontaine Archon Quests that visionaries have the power to interpret powerful and complex prophecies. With Mona referring to Barbeloth, a Hexenzirkle Witch- those of which explore the depths of Irminsul, I don’t believe this idea is farfetched. His younger brother Dainslief having the title of “Bough Keeper” is the cherry on top.

Surtalogi, teacher of Skirk. Skirk refers to the Space Narwhal as his ‘pet’, so maybe he could’ve been a Beastmaster Knight.

We don’t know anything about them but by name alone, I could imagine a guy who owns a space narwhal as a pet would be considered a ‘beast master’. His title “The Foul” with his connection to Skirk, likely refers to the Foul Legacy we see Childe use. This form clearly is made for combat, so it reinstates the knight idea.


I would suggest reading this short reddit interpretation by Snorlaxite- Racher of Solnari

Quick important to this theory TDLR, they theorize that ‘Racher of Solnari’ loosely refers to Rerir’ “hunting the Moon to Avenge the Sun” through a mixed interpretation of “moon hunter” and relating ‘Solnari’ to one of Loki’s children. Highly suggest reading for better context/comprehension. Regardless, if true in some way, this theory could help support my idea of the Crimson Moon being Ronvoa specifically, or at least more of a specific person/figure.

Hroptatyr, which is another name for Odin

If you’re into Genshin’s lore, you probably know that King Irmin has been discussed as a reference to Odin. Possibly Hroptatyr is a different person, but he might simply be King Irmin himself. That in mind, it would explain why there are 5 Sinners but only 4 Pillars. Although, Dain does mention the "Vinster King", who may or may not be Irmin, which would negate the idea that Hroptatyr is him.


So, to reiterate. The 4 Pillars are Gold=Alchemy,“The Wise”=Irminsul/Fate, “The Foul= Beastmaster Knight”, and “Racher of Solnari”=“Hunter of the Moon, Avenging the Sun”. While The Wise=King Irmin himself. 

Welcome to the End

Congrats surviving all of that brain goo I jumbled into semi-coherent sentences. Let me know how crazy I am or if ya'll have found better evidence/explanations. I cannot recall a lot of discussion over the "four pillars" line happening way back in Sumeru or even now, but I could've easily missed it.

*Fun Fact I found while Researching\*

The “Death Moon” irl is one of the names of March's full moon, marking the end of winter. The name also relates to Lent, if you’re not familiar Lent takes place from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. Both of these naming conventions refer to rebirth/resurrection/new life & beginnings. I had no way of actually including this, just thought it was neat.

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