Does anyone else feel this sub's Christopher hated is a bit... much? 😅

(Preparing for the pitchforks lol)

I'm not like a Christopher FAN and I ultimately think his arc ended the way it probably should have but I feel like the attitude toward Chris on here is very black and white whereas I always viewed him as a much more complex, gray character. I also watched the show while it was airing, not on Netflix, so maybe that affects my POV.

There were times I was rooting for Chris and time I was rooting for him and Lorelai. Times I was glad he got told off, times I hated him, times I wanted to wring his neck, times I felt for him, times I really wanted everything to work out for him and his family. I really don't think it's easy to boil his character down to Chris = the devil lol. I see what Lorelai saw in him. I see why Rory still kept her heart open to him. There were times he sucked ass, times he was a good man, and times in between.

Does anyone else here view Chris the same way? A complex, nuanced character? I don't really hate him the way everyone else on here seems to lol.