What is your favorite Lorelai Joke?
I’ll go first! Mine is in season 3 episode 21 where Luke is confronting Lorelai about Jess. He shows up at the Gilmore Girls’ back door and silently gestures for Lorelai to come meet him outside. He seems to be hoping not to grab Rory’s attention while trying to get Lorelai’s. Lorelai finally meets Luke outside while Rory is buried in her studies and the following interaction occurs—
Luke: I need to talk to you.
Lorelai: Come inside.
Luke: Wh—No! Rory’s in there!
Lorelai: Since when are you scared of Rory? Because seriously, Luke, I think you could take her.
Luke: I just need to tell you something…can she hear us? looks around frantically for Rory
Lorelai: Through the walls?!
This always cracks me up for some reason. It’s one of my favorite Lorelai “quips” (hopefully I’m using the right word haha). What about you guys? What are your favorite Lorelai jokes / quips / bits?