Nifty announces retirement

@niftycs2 on Twitter:

"In March I made the decision to retire from competition definitely. If I had never attempted to compete again I would've felt regret for years to come. It was valuable in many ways to try again. Through time my passions & interests have shifted to different areas of life. 1/3

Many will likely experience this change. Some that are still competing at Tier 1 of any Esport are already feeling this. In my opinion, it's best to step away if you no longer feel the passion/fire for the process. Otherwise you're doing your peers and yourself a disservice. 2/3

I'm infinitely grateful for all the knowledge, wisdom, fruitful experiences, and relationships competition within the realm of Esports has given me. Everything gained has already served me in ALL other areas of my life and will continue to.

With a whole heart, I say thank you."