Ron's "Industrial Plant" Job (Survival) Glitch / Bug

Oct 2021 edit: Apparently this problem started happening to people again. This was my solution:

Well, I got past the glitch. I did so by walking around in the empty dirt parking lot that the marker should have been in until randomly the Job was triggered.... I dunno. Hopefully this helps someone else.

I don't remember anything else - I haven't even played GTAV in like 4 years. I hope this thing gets solved but don't ask me for further advice and don't get mad that I don't have further advice because man... this was a looong time ago lol

Initial post:

I just reached level 16 and got a call from Ron telling me to go to the Industrial plant. I follow the path, and when I get there, there's no marker. I can't load any other job. Can't even go to LS Autos.

I've seen a few threads online about this, and it seems that the solution people are coming to are "Wait for R*'s servers to fix it". Well it's been like 4 days. This sucks!

Has anyone experienced this problem recently?