Long term planning advice

Henry / Fire qu

Married with 2 younger kids. 41 yo. In Finance. Performing well at work. Company performance more volatile and challenging after a good few years.

Question is 1. should I max out my wife’s Pension allowance as I am fully tapered? 2. If I move to a new house (few hundred k upgrade vs selling mine) with stamp and school fees for 14 years for 2 kids will I have enough buffer? 3. What should I be doing with my annual savings to be tax efficient beyond ISAs etc. I don’t own BTL property, material private investments, crypto etc. can see myself working for another 10-15 years. I have Good but not perfect job security 4. Should I aim to significantly pay down my mortgage when it comes due (although am considering moving and areas I am considering would need a bit of a higher budget)


£450-500k total comp (although expecting more of a weighting towards stock vs historic largely all cash) and wife on £80k. Not expecting big moves in my comp at this point but depends on how the company performs in the coming years.

£1m mortgage on a v low rate maturing in 2026. £500k equity. May potentially move for better schooling options (likely private)

£400k in ISAs and a bit of EIS

£800k in other general investments. Equities and high income savings / bonds

£250k in Pensions

Current all in outgoings including 2 kids school fees, holidays etc of £10k a month. More like 5-6k ex mortgage and school

thank you