Peeves makes Snape’s tenure as headmaster hell.

As Snape made his way to the Headmaster’s office, he heard faint whispering and laughing.

“Snivellus” the voice says.

“Who said that?” Snape demands.

“Snivellus” the voice repeats, attempting to stifle back a laugh.

Snape grows increasingly angry by the second.

“WHO’S THERE?!?!” He yells.

“SNIVELING SNIVELLUS SNAPE!!! SNIVELING SNIVELLUS SNAPE!!! SNIVELING SNIVELLUS SNAPE!!!” Came the taunting voice of Peeves. He cackled loudly as Snape began waving his wand, attempting to curse him.

DAMN IT, PEEVES!!!” Snape mutters angrily as Peeves flees the office laughing loudly.