Internalised sexism & approaching goddesses

So, I would say that Aphrodite is one of my main figures of worship. And yet, when I have an issue, I find it easier to go to, say, Ares - whom of which I barely pray to, and really don’t feel particularly drawn to, not to mention I tend to lean away from masculinity in general - than to ask Aphrodite about it.

Similar thing with Artemis and Apollo. While Apollo is another of my main figures of worship, I feel like it would maybe be more appropriate to go to Artemis for more obviously female-related issues, and yet I don’t. And I feel like I sort of can’t? Like, it’s illogical to feel I can’t, I know, but I can‘t stop feeling like there’s a block there.

I also don’t know how I would go about starting a casual ”conversation” with female deities, but I can very easily do so with Dionysus.

I just wanted to start a conversation around this, because it’s been really weighing down on me lately. And I am female! So it’s probably an issue if internalised sexism, and I’m having trouble moving on from it. And it’s not making me feel any better avoiding it, so I thought I’d post about it. Get a wider community’s opinions, ya know?

So, what are y’all’s thoughts? Do you have trouble with this too?