About holostars "brand".

I've been seeing more and more takes on the internet from people that don't watch holostars, that they would be better off rebranding the entire branch to get rid of the "holo" brand or that they should be sold to another company/become a subsidiary again for them to get "popular", it's not a new take, i've been hearing this since 2020, i've never been a fan of this since it's basically saying "give up and give it to someone else to figure it out" and it treats the talents like they're toys.

And this never gives actual solutions for holostars problems, they probaly don't know that the branch didn't even had staff to manage them or that people didn't knew the branch existed because Cover didn't advertised them, personally i think that they need to stop acting like that if the members weren't branded as holostars all of a sudden each talent would have 10k live viewers or something, that's not how popularity works, and for the most part the "holo" branding it's pretty much cosmetic in the sense that people that are only interested in female vtubers aren't going to watch holostars so there's no point in changing this.

So what do you guys think? Does any of this takes have any chance of happening?(Doubtful)