do i fit the look to help you?

i’m Nonbinary but i present pretty femme so at first glance im perceived as a girl. I work in D25 which in my opinion has been home base for the most sexist people i’ve ever encountered. what’s worse is it’s more women than men that do it. today i get a page to the ryobi section and the lady waiting there looks me up and down before asking “you know tools?” i nod and ask what i can help her with and she just stares at me for a solid 30 seconds before looking away and saying “i guess you can help” to which i have to fight myself off from walking away. she then asks for help finding an item right in front of her face. it happens so often now that i don’t even let it bother me but it used to irk me so bad. or when i’m standing next to a male associate and they ask them for a hardware item, the male associate looks to me and I’ll answer but the customer will thank the male associate. i’m just so over it, not only is it the sexist people but also the creepy ass men who have zero boundaries and make really fucking weird comments. i love my department but i hate the customers