I need advice. My life has been f**ked because of homeschool.
First post here, I'll start off with an introduction. I'm a 15¾ years old guy, my mom went off the rails an dropped me out of school during Christmas break in the 3rd grade, started off with unschooling me and after that litterly never did ANY homeschool for me because she's a lazy crazy b""ch. My dad tried at first but he was too busy with work and got discouraged by my mom, so from age 9-12 I pretty much got nothing in terms of education and just played video games and watched YouTube all day and litterly by the age of 12 got addicted to KORN ☹ and I didn't know any better and I thought it was all fine. When I was like 13 my dad tried to set me up with khan academy but I was unmotivated after years of doing nothing and never got into it, and he never forced me to do it so I never did it, so flashforward to where I am now I still have no education since the 3rd grade other than some stuff I learned here and there on YouTube/the internet over the years. My reading level is probably average for my age but I absolutely lack in every other category for a GED. I don't even know where to start to get a GED, I'm unmotivated, have severe agoraphobia and anxiety so anything in person for learning is a no go for me, have no friends and almost no social interactions other than with my family and occasionally a few words spoken to strangers, I'm motivated but unmotivated at the same time (if that makes sense..?) because I lack discipline cuz my parents made me do nothing for 7 years so I got lazy, Im inside and play video games/watch YouTube/sit there and think and do nothing litterly all day everyday other than some chores and I go for runs/bike rides and occasionally do stuff like going to the store, but I'm pretty much inside all day.
I have decent idea what I'm going to do for work when I'm older, get a job when I'm 17 so I can buy a car, and then move out in the summer of 2027 and do seasonal national park work to save up money and actually live my life, after a few years of that I'll move somewhere more permanent and get an apartment and try to work my way up the ladder for some trade job like excavating, and eventually have a house and start a family. But to do all of that, I need to be able to work and that requires a GED and me being a little less socially anxious. I need advice on how I can get a GED in 1.5-2 years starting from pretty much nothing in terms of education and discipline. I'm sure many here have went through something similar to me so I'm hoping to get some advice. Thanks.