Where do I find friends in the startup/tech/entrepreneurial space in Hong Kong?

UPDATE: Wow there are so many people reaching out who resonate with this and also looking for their "tribe"! Makes me so so so happy. Do you think you'd prefer we all have a get together instead?

Hey guys - 26F here and recently been "revamping" life 😂 (letting go of friends who don't support my growth anymore)

Growing up I've always struggled to find people in Hong Kong interested in these spaces - it's what inspires me most - so where do these people even hang?

You'd think it's easy - but honestly you'd find waaay more people in education, F&B, finance, festivals, real estate, etc..

Conferences - usually filled with shallow connections, less personal

Networking events - people just want to give you their business cards and call it a day

If you're one, feel free to DM and connect :D

Not even just in these spaces, just people who would rather talk about ideas / debates than gossip, shit on others or get drunk (haha respectfully)

Little about me: Been working with tech startups the past 8 years, mostly on growth. I teach kids coding and entrepreneurship in my free time and love to start/test random (mostly $$$) projects just for kicks