How many multi generation brothers in here?

Just curious. I'm 3rd generation. In the same ibew local. My grand father died on the jobsite from a heart attack. My father retired in 2014. And was well into his bonus years after his magic 85. I joined in 2003. Now my son is in the same local. Working for the same contractor as me. I appreciate the 10 years my father and I worked for the same contractor on the same jobsites. And now my son is doing the same with me now. He will have to transfer once he gets into the apprenticeship. But I explain to him you will look back on this time and appreciate it. My father and me were in the union magazine. I saved it. The union reps came out to a jobsite and took a photo of us. Said father and son team. So I took a photo of myself and my son in his first week of work on the jobsite. I hope he has a son who becomes a proud ibew member as well. How many of yall have multi generation of family in our great union?