I have cooked

I'm an Illaoi player and I haven't enjoyed playing her even when I'm winning matches. I haven't liked playing her that much ever since the Frostglove mythic era, because I like my Illaoi to do some damage (I was a Duskblade Hullbreaker fan) and I finally have a build I like this season.


It gives me enough AD to one shot the casters, and it also gives me enough AD to snowball if I can snowball. One of the biggest issues I was having is winning lane, winning mid-ish, and falling off a cliff in late. With Hubris first, I can get a stat stick that will give me enough time to build into other things.

My build is Hubris, Iceborne, Fimbulwinter, Spirit Visage, and to round out the build either Mortal Reminder (if I'm not doing enough damage because I went Grasp) or Jak Sho (If I'm already killing people and need more survivability, usually because of Conquerer).

I'm actually doing damage with this build. E+Ult eviscerates champs again. It feels really good and I'd highly recommend it!